Fire Ground Photos

The CFD at Work

CFDHISTORY ---›Fire Photos

Fire Photos

1 Alarm 265 Robb Street

CFDHISTORY ---›Fire Photos ---› 1 Alarm 265 Robb Street

Date 2007-02-10

On Saturday February 10, 2007 Box 8125 was transmitted at 12:07 hours for a report of a house fire on Robb Street between Airport Road and the dead end in the Columbia-Tusculum area. Engines 18,46,23; Trucks 18,23 RATT31; Districts 4 & 1; Squad 14 and Rescue 46 were dispatched.
Photograph - Bill Strite

District 4, Chief Collini, arrived on scene and reported a fire in the walls of a 2-story wood frame. All occupants are out of the house. Engine 18's hydrant was either frozen or o.o.s. so Engine 23 was called to bring a second source of water. Engine 46 brought water northbound on Airport Road and Engine 23 brought water southbound Airport Road across the railroad tracks.

Photograph - Bill Strite

Trucks 23 and 18 have the fire building laddered.
Photograph - Bill Strite

RATT 31 ready and waiting in the side yard.
Photograph - Bill Strite

Rescue 46 standing by. Reports indicate that the fire was started by the homeowner attempting to thaw frozen pipes.
Photograph - Bill Strite

Vent or not? In this case a quick stop was made and the roof didn't need to be opened.

Photograph - Bill Strite

Engine 23 in the foreground is near the hydrant Engine 18 hit with their tail and couldn't get water.
Photograph - Bill Strite

Good job done by all quick stop made and good job getting second and third water supplies established in a hurry.
Limitted damage to the structure and most importantly no injures to the residents or firefighers!

Photograph - Bill Strite

